Why Pharmacists should consider PSLF as they choose career paths..
As a newly graduated pharmacist, you are likely facing a significant amount of student loan debt. According to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, the average pharmacist pharmacist student loan debt is $179,514, and [...]
Managing Your Energy..
When I was early in my career, my number one concern was the bottom line. The cash money that my efforts would produce. Every decision was measured on its return on investment. Extra shifts were [...]
The Plan
What's the Plan?" Making and checking off list's could probably be described as one of my love languages. Constructing elaborate if/then scenarios and trying to account for human factors while trying to plot a course towards a [...]
Looking Back Before Moving Forward..
This year marks my 7th year out of pharmacy school. I've worked in a couple different health care systems and for a major retail chain pharmacy. I don't think there's (luckily) been a period of [...]
Why I decided to get my BCPS..
This year has been an interesting one. This year I wanted to try to accomplish a goal that had been on my to-do list since 2013 when I completed my pharmacy residency. I have [...]
Are the Robots coming to take Pharmacist’s Jobs?
All of my ex-girlfriends will tell you that I’m an over-thinker. And most would probably pull you in close and let you know that it’s not the thinking that’s the problem; it’s the worrying. One [...]